Training human resources
Training human resources is a key activity inside a company, which allows to improve staff’s performance, increase both income and productivity, to lower costs and maximize its competitiveness in front of competition.
In the processing sea and aquatic products’ industry field for the last years there has been registered an enormous increase regarding regulatory requirements, especially those related to food security and quality.
In addition, those requirements have made consumers to worry much more with what they use as food so, this way, more information is demanded, as well control and better performance by the processor.
Aware of that necessity, Sudamar has designed a training program adaptable to the process’ needs and to focus on giving priority to quality, optimal levels of production and standards and regulations’ fulfillment.
There are standards that require training both to the operational staff and to the supervision and direction staff of a plant, for example:
• USFDA 21 CFR 110.10.c “The staff responsible in identifying….must have educational formation or be experienced, or yet a combination of both…”
• Codex Alimentarius CAC/RCP 1. Section X “All people employed in food related operations….. must be given capacitating skills, and/or instruction…”
• ISO 9001:2000 Point 6.2.2.b “The organization must…provide necessary training...”
• Directive 93/43/CEE Annex Chapter X “Formation”
Sudamar adapts its standard training programs to the developed process’ specific needs, as well its customer’s, adapting that training to both their needs and their company’s.
SUDAMAR training programs are periodically revised aiming to update them to with the ever changing world of food industry.
If you require a personalized program, you can contact us to know your needs and to design an adapted program for your company and its process.
Among the capacitating programs given regularly by Sudamar for the sea and aquatic product’s industry we have:
Quality control training
Production training
Sensorial evaluation training
Attribute sampling techniques and sample training
HACCP training
SSOP training
GMP training